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Students getting ready to think about the job market also have some other thoughts on their mind. Namely, how the heck they’re going to pay that student loan and whether their degree will really be worth all that effort (and money). Granted, these worries have existed before, and while perhaps not at the same scale as today, the concern of how you’re going to market yourself and start earning is real and present. The good news – with app there are several things students can do to stand out from the crowd and attract future employment. is a free, pioneering “App-Activist” that brings an innovative, mobile experience for a range of folks (university students included) via location-based information, ads, crowdsourcing and entrepreneurship, with a social impact. Via the creation of Gemies (markers on the app’s virtual map), students can follow and receive proximity-alert filtered information all thanks to geo-location. Let’s break this down:
  • Get a part-time job or create your own job– provides local employers the possibility of posting job ads, and students the possibility of creating their own jobs for employers to review.
  • Volunteer or Intern– Nearly every adult over 30 with what they would consider to be a wonderful job more than likely interned for little money or volunteered for no money to get their foot in the door. Amazing companies and organizations are seeking hungry, new entrants in the marketplace and can put you on that path.
  • Become a weekend entrepreneur– This is becoming more and more prevalent and is a cool platform to show potential customers, investors and local businesses your idea/project in a very cost-efficient manner. Promote your business on the platform which is the most low-cost/high-reward model you’ll find.
  • Organize a “book fair”– Big in Europe, book fairs organized by students can generate real money, and by using to create “book ads” and then geo-fence the area where you know students can be found can lead to some very attractive returns.
The beauty of is platform doesn’t own your data – you do! does not use data to optimize and personalize ads (like most social media) as the app is free for anybody to use. Ads can be posted by anyone but the interest and relevancy filters for what you see are yours to set. Learn how you can start plugging in to your local community to generate income and market yourself for that cool career that awaits. Nothing to lose, it’s all free at